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Saturday, 5 March 2011

Butterfly Kisses

Sitting amongst the orange blossoms, pondering many things,
visions from the baby blues, emerged the fluttering wings.

Spending many years, in wondering what was wrong,
this delicate little creature, moved to nature's song.

It's torso is so fragile, it's wings so full of spice,
this dazzling crusader, will astonish and entice.

Flickering it's wings, it moves from bloom to bloom,
as I sit and grieve, on the removal of my womb.

With all it's many splendor, a simple message cast,
the universe will heal you, from the echoes of the past.
Emitting from it's pr.esence, a quiet gentility,
do not fret my dear, at your lost fertility.

The purpose of your life, is more than you could know,
had this not have happened, then you would not grow.

Your growth is in accordance, with universal laws,
the heavens will reward you, with blessingsgalore.

As I sit and marvel, at the beauty that's before,
this titilating creature, I have come to now adore.

So when this beauty calls, on a bright and sunny day,
carefully I listen, to the message she conveys.

Bringing with her tidings, the sense of hope and bliss,
this beautiful little butterfly, will seal it with a kiss.

Price:- $120.00 via paypal please email me for details

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